United States Blind Chess Association. Blind people play chess too.

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USBCA 2024 Ladder TournamentStandings

This is where you can find the United States Blind Chess Association correspondence Ladder tournament standings.

Tournament Director Contact Information

Please write this information down somewhere other than on your computer in case you do not have access to your computer when you need it. It is your responsibility to keep this contact information where you can access it.

Official 2024 Ladder Standings

2023 Ladder Tornament champion, Jim Thoune

Rank NAME Color for next matchup STATUS Matchup
1 Malcolm Jones W Available
2 David Rosenkoetter B Available
3 Louis Prem W Available
4 Michael Flood B Available
5 Phil Haaland W In play Marilyn-Phil
6 Marilyn Bland B In play marilyn-Phil
7 Rick Miller B Available
8 Dammie Onafeko W Available
9 Anthony Horton W In play Zolotarevsky-Horton
10 Viral Trivedi B Available
11 Edward Zolotarevsky B In play Zolotarevsky-Horton
12 Evan Reese B Available
13 Martin Gadow B In play Martin-Glenn
14 Alan Schlank B Available
15 Donald Crosswhite B Available
16 Glenn Crawford W In play Martin-Glenn
17 Ginny Alverson B Available
18 Vinny Beatty W Available
19 Chris Adamson W Available
20 Anthony Borg W Available
21 Mario Montalvo W Available