United States Blind Chess Association. Blind people play chess too.

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Member Ratings

Below are the current USBCA correspondence and Real Time rating lists. If you have any questions regarding the below information, please contact our tournament director using the below information.

Tournament Director Contact Information

Please write this information down somewhere other than on your computer in case you do not have access to your computer when you need it. It is your responsibility to keep this contact information where you can access it.

Correspondence Ratings

Last Updated: 2024-11-23

1 Tyson Mordue 1499 12/1/2000 9/27/2022 England
2 Aaron Kriegel 1450 0-0-0 12/31/2020 California
3 Chris Chaffin 1366 0-0-0 1/3/2018 New York
4 Randy Kruzeniski 1332 4/2/2000 7/6/2022 British Columbia
5 Don Walhout 1282 0-0-0 2/14/2021 Illinois
6 Stan Lovell 1260 3/1/2002 7/25/2022 England
7 Jose Maria Saponara 1256 0-0-0 2/23/2021 Argentina
8 Mario Montalvo 1256 6-0-0 7/17/2022 Texas
9 Philip Doyle 1249 0-0-0 2/15/2021 Ireland
10 Al Pietrolungo 1224 15-7-4 4/23/2023 Pennsylvania
11 Karel Swanepoel 1221 6/1/2000 6/7/2022 South Africa
12 Viral Trivedi 1217 7/6/2002 4/8/2023 India
13 Tuan Rushdi 1207 0-0-0 12/31/2020 Sri Lanka
14 Martin Gadow 1206 15-5-8 7/2/2023 Germany
15 Bill Kociaba 1189 0-0-0 10/16/2020 Florida
16 Eamonn Casey 1179 6/1/2002 4/4/2023 Ireland
17 Glenn Crawford 1171 16-0-7 8/4/2023 Indiana
18 Estelita (Nene) Clayton 1166 4-0-2 7/28/2022 England
19 Malcolm Jones 1161 17-3-12 4/29/2023 England
20 Gokhan Gungor 1153 9/1/2002 2/7/2023 Turkey
21 Catherine Dib 1124 0-0-0 1/22/2019 France
22 Edward Zolotarevsky 1124 9/2/2007 8/23/2023 New Jersey
23 Evan Reese 1120 14-0-5 8/4/2023 Ohio
24 Gabriele Battaglia 1120 0-0-0 11/18/2019 Italy
25 Lucy Jensen 1116 0-0-0 2/7/2021 Utah
26 Anthony Horton 1100 15-2-12 4/21/2023 North Carolina
27 Walter McCoy 1084 3/2/2001 7/6/2022 Alabama
28 Yves Le Brun 1079 0-0-0 3/3/2021 France
29 Pankaj Bendre 1076 0-0-0 1/4/2020 India
30 Luca Parravano 1068 0-0-0 12/31/2020 Italy
31 Paul Boucher 1068 0-0-0 11/22/2019 Pennsylvania
32 Srinivas Vanga 1064 0-0-0 2/27/2021 India
33 Renee Braverman 1055 0-0-0 11/22/2019 New York
34 David Csercsics 1053 0-0-0 2/23/2021 Canada
35 Monica De Fazio 1040 0-0-0 12/31/2020 Italy
36 Vinny Beatty 1033 9/4/2012 3/23/2023 Florida
37 Alan Schlank 1029 7/3/2006 4/23/2023 Virginia
38 Voldi Gailans 1022 0-0-0 11/14/2019 England
39 Jairo Oswaldo Leyton Calderón 1020
40 Elizabeth Koren 1015 0-0-0 11/16/2019 Texas
41 Ednun Pourtahmasbi 1014 0-0-0 6/15/2020 England
42 John Ramm 1014 0-0-0 1/26/2021 England
43 Bill Rivera 1006 0-1-1 3/10/2023 Florida
44 Mark Melonson 1005 0-0-1 3/1/2022 Texas
45 Larry Honaker 1001 2-0-2 10/2/2022 United States
46 John Denny 1000
47 Donald Crosswhite 1000
48 George McDermith 1000
49 Harry Spencer 1000
50 Suryakant Raut 1000 0-0-1 2/2/2022 India
51 Richard Turner 994 2-0-3 4/25/2023 Oregon
52 Richard Dinger 993 0-0-0 2/10/2021 Washington
53 Michael Flood 989 8/1/2015 4/17/2023 England
54 Joel Cohen 986 0-0-0 10/15/2020 Florida
55 Marilyn Bland 984 9/1/2013 3/30/2023 Texas
56 Jim Dickson 976 0-1-2 7/8/2022 Washington D
57 Mary Lea 976 1-0-3 8/24/2022 Ireland
58 Ginny Alverson 973 3-0-3 7/28/2022 Massachusetts
59 German Yepez 965 0-0-4 5/25/2022 Ecuador
60 Anthony Borg 963 3/2/2006 4/9/2023 Malta
61 Melody Koren 958 0-0-0 12/31/2020 Texas
62 Pauline Downing 956 1/1/2003 8/3/2022 Massachusetts
63 Ashoka Krishnamurthy 955 0-0-0 9/15/2020 India
64 Clemens von Rosenberg 949 0-0-3 4/26/2023 Germany
65 Nancy Seiden 945 15-1-11 4/20/2023 California
66 Gaurav Khetre 937 0-0-0 3/4/2021 India
67 David Rosenkoetter 919 1-0-7 6/8/2022 Indiana
68 Phil Haaland 912 0-0-1 4/28/2023 Texas
69 Kim Morrow 908 0-0-10 8/28/2022 Kansas
70 Dammie Onafeko 906 16-0-25 4/24/2023 Maryland
71 Massimo Maccaferri 905 2-0-3 7/16/2022 Italy
72 David Schuh 901 9-0-18 4/21/2023 Wisconsin
73 Peter Feysa 899 0-0-1 2/27/2022 Florida
74 Jim Homme 898 2/2/2008 4/15/2023 Pennsylvania
75 Kenny Nead 897 6-0-11 9/1/2022 Missouri
76 Debbie McKenzie 890 0-0-0 5/10/2019 Texas
77 Louis Prem 888 5-0-12 4/21/2023 Malaysia
78 John Lacey 883 4-0-6 3/19/2023 Virginia
79 Ivan Gonzalez 879 1-0-8 3/20/2023 New York
80 Stephanie Leason 868 0-0-0 10/25/2020 United States
81 Michael Rodgerson 865 0-0-0 2/9/2021 Connecticut
82 Charles Wilks 844 0-0-5 6/13/2022 Kansas
83 Chris Adamson 844 1/3/2012 4/26/2023 California
84 Rick Miller 830 3-0-7 4/24/2023 California
85 Richard Johnson 757 0-0-0 12/31/2020 Wisconsin
86 Sheila Boehm 729 0-0-1 1/28/2022 Maryland

Real-time Ratings

Last Updated: 2024-11-23

1 Olivier Deville 1353 5-1-0 12/17/2022 France
2 Jose Maria Saponara 1160 6-1-0 9/10/2022 Argentina
3 Edgar Rico 1156 2-1-1 11/24/2022 Columbia
4 Alex Barrasso 1127 0-0-0 5/23/2017
5 Tuan Rushdi 1124 0-0-0 6/8/22019 Sri Lanka
6 Mario Montalvo 1123 9-3-1 12/17/2022 Texas
7 Randy Kruzeniski 1093 0-0-0 10/25/2018 British Columbia
8 Stan Lovell 1086 9-3-6 11/21/2022 England
9 Gaurav Khetre 1085 9-1-3 11/25/2022 India
10 Jean Achelle 1079 3-0-1 4/22/2022 Monaco
11 Yvan Bourdeau 1067 0-0-0 4/7/2018 Canada
12 Johannes Grib 1056 2-1-2 11/21/2022 South Africa
13 Viral Trivedi 1051 5-0-4 11/20/2022 India
14 Neil Graham 1050 3-1-0 8/13/2022
15 Eduin Oswaldo Pena Romero 1041 0-0-0 6/9/2019 Columbia
16 Pankaj Bendre 1039 7-1-4 11/29/2022 India
17 Martin Gadow 1034 5-0-3 4/21/2022 Germany
18 Manohar S Vaswani 1030 3-1-4 4/22/2022 India
19 Karel Swanepoel 1026 4-1-0 5/4/2022 South Africa
20 Lea Ryan 1025 4-1-2 4/18/2022 Engand
21 George De Nobrega 1024 3-1-5 5/4/2022 South Africa
22 Aniruddha Khunte 1023 0-0-0 6/20/2017 India
23 Balanagendran 1023 0-0-0 6/6/2019 India
24 Madan Bagayatkar 1021 2-0-1 3/31/2022 India
25 Rahul Navghane 1021 3-0-4 11/29/2022 India
26 Regis Gerbaux 1021 7-0-5 8/22/2022 France
27 Jesus Arasanz 1020 0-0-0 4/4/2018 Spain
28 Suryakant Raut 1016 2-0-2 1/24/2022 India
29 Jairo Oswaldo Leyton Calderón 1015 0-1-1 10/22/2022 Nicaragua
30 Siddhant Chothe 1010 0-0-0 6/21/2017 India
31 Madhukesh Ram 1006 0-0-0 6/3/2019 India
32 Omkar Sameer Talwakar 1004 2-0-2 1/22/2022 India
33 Erhan Kazma 1003 0-0-0 6/9/2019 Turkey
34 Vikash Mishra 1003 3-0-1 1/30/2022 India
35 Mario Roberts 1002 2-0-3 11/30/2022 South Africa
36 George McDermith 1000
37 Harry Spencer 1000
38 Joel Cohen 1000 0-0-0 4/1/2023 Florida
39 Mohammed Ali Loutfy 1000 0-0-0 9/1/2017 Washington DC
40 Mark Hague 999 3-0-5 4/21/2022 England
41 Bernard Duthoit 997 0-0-0 3/31/2018 France
42 Francois Neethling 997 3-0-2 9/10/2022 South Africa
43 David Rosenkoetter 997 6-1-6 11/25/2022 Indiana
44 Kim Morrow 992 0-0-1 1/23/2022 Kansas
45 Monica de Fazio 990 2-1-2 9/8/2022 Italy
46 Raul Quintero 988 0-0-3 11/6/2022
47 Julio Barba 979 5-1-6 9/7/2022 Ecuador
48 Chris Adamson 978 0-2-4 10/4/2022 California
49 Mahendra Galani 972 2-0-3 9/4/2022 Austria
50 Aliekber Cengiz 969 0-0-0 8/16/2019 Turkey
51 Dave Schuh 969 8-0-5 9/3/2022 Wisconsin
52 Yves Le Brun 964 1-0-5 4/19/2022 France
53 Estelita (Nene) Clayton 960 10-0-8 11/24/2022 England
54 Jessica Grib 955 0-0-3 11/21/2022 South Africa
55 Gatak Singh 953 0-0-0 10/7/2018 India
56 John Lacey 952 0-0-4 4/21/2022 Virginia
57 Marilyn Bland 951 6-2-7 10/8/2022 Texas
58 Abi Baker 948 1-0-4 9/7/2022
59 German Yepez 947 5-0-11 1124/2022 Ecuador
60 Bill Rivera 945 0-0-3 8/7/2022 Florida
61 Malcolm Jones 943 2-1-5 11/3/2022 England
62 Catherine Dib 924 6-0-6 9/4/2022 France
63 Michael Davis 922 2-4-6 9/10/2022 New York
64 Evan Reese 917 6-0-6 9/2/2022 Ohio
65 Irene Hampton 916 0-0-0 5/27/2019 Canada
66 Mohit Khatanhar 907 0-0-0 5/22/2019 India
67 Massimo Maccaferri 885 2-0-6 9/7/2022 Italy
68 Dammie Onafeko 882 4-0-8 11/14/2022 Maryland
69 Anthony Borg 880 0-0-0 11/21/2018 Malta
70 Miriam Cassano 864 2-0-10 9/10/2022 Italy
71 Jim Homme 856 0-0-1 8/29/2022 Pennsylvania
72 Aaron Richmond 812 0-0-0 4/10/2018 Maryland
73 Ginny Alverson 757 2-3-7 11/6/2022 Massachusetts